Focus areas could include:
- Increasing self-awareness
- Leadership development
- Building confidence
- Growing your impact
- Presentational skills
- Diversity and inclusion awareness
- Understanding your values
- Relationship building
- Dealing with powerful emotions
- Establishing/maintaining work/family balance
- Developing your personal development plan
- Working in difficult team situations
Focus areas could include:
- All areas from Individual Coaching, plus
- Increasing self-awareness as a leader
- Analysing organisational/team cultures
- Inclusion challenges
- Understanding your leadership values
- Setting your leadership intent
- Confidential space to explore powerful emotions as a leader – it can be a lonely place
Choose between one-off event facilitation or a series of group facilitation sessions.
- Supporting your event goals
- Facilitating break out sessions
- Supporting preparation for your plenary
Group focus areas could include:
- Building team relationships
- Facilitating problem-solving discussions
- Brainstorming
There are many definitions of coaching. I find these helpful:
"Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them" (Whitmore).
Coaching empowers you, it facilitates your self-directed learning, your personal growth and your improved performance (Bresser and Wilson).
The essence of coaching is a series of managed conversations between two people (coach and coachee), which aim to support you in sustainable change to behaviours, ways of thinking or your relationship to your thoughts. Coaching has a learning and development focus which can encompass both professional and personal areas of your life (adapted from Van Nieuwerburgh).
Coaching is a confidential process. What is discussed in coaching sessions remains private. I may take some notes to help me follow up with you after the session and to prepare for following sessions. These will all be stored securely. At the end of the coaching series they will remain filed securely until deleted in accordance with my Privacy Policy; you can have copies of my notes at any time.
The only exception to the confidentiality in our coaching, is if you share something which indicates that you are at substantial risk of harm. In that situation, I am ethically required to support you by sharing it with an appropriate professional. I would discuss it with you before passing on any information.
Each of my coaching relationships begins with a free 'chemistry' session in which we explore what you are looking for from coaching. It is chance for you to consider whether my approach suits what you need, and for me to consider if I can support you appropriately.
When we decide to work together, we will set up an agreement for a series of coaching sessions. This is usually 6 sessions to start, at a frequency that suits your availability and needs. Sessions are paid in advance as a block.
At the start of the series of coaching sessions, you set your goals for the series. We review these briefly at the start of each session, setting goals for that session and adjusting your overall goals if needed.
At the end of the series we review together and you make a decision on what you would like to do next - complete your coaching or proceed with a second series with a new set of goals.
A coaching relationship tends to be shorter-term and more formalised than mentoring. A coach facilitates your thinking, providing a reflective space for personal discoveries and personal growth. A coach does not need to have detailed knowledge of your particular role or sector. Coaching tends to be suited for skills and performance enhancement.
A mentoring relationship tends to be longer-term and more informal; your mentor would normally have a substantial level of knowledge and expertise on the areas you are discussing. Mentoring tends to be more about career development. A mentor will offer advice and guidance, unlike a coach.
Coaches and mentors may well use similar tools and conversation structures to enable open and reflective conversation.
When we discuss your coaching arrangement, I will share the following documents with you:
- Privacy Policy
- Coaching Agreement
We will not agree to our coaching arrangement until you have had change to read and agree to both documents.
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